Monday, September 27, 2010
Sauteed Apple Recipe
It’s officially fall! You know that I love this season and all that it brings with it! I love the colors and the smells. The festivals and pumpkin patches. I love the decorations and the crispness to the air and the food! Oh, how I love the food. One of the things that really reminds me of fall is sautéed apples. I love making them and I especially love eating them! I wanted to share the recipe with you so that you and your family could enjoy some together.
• ¼ cup butter
• 4 large tart apples - peeled, cored and sliced 1/4 inch thick
• 1 teaspoon cornstarch
• ½ cup cold water
• ½ cup brown sugar
• ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
• ½ teaspoon nutmeg
• 1 teaspoon vanilla
In a large skillet, melt your butter over medium heat and then add your apples. Cook, stirring constantly, until the apples are almost tender, which takes about 6 to 7 minutes. Then, dissolve the cornstarch in water and add it to your skillet. Stir in the brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla and boil for 2 minutes, stirring occasionally. The, remove from the heat and serve warm.
These are great over pancakes or ice cream but also delicious as a side dish at dinner – especially when you’re having pork. I hope that you and your family enjoy them as much as we do!
Happy Eating!
-The Working Wife
Friday, September 24, 2010
It's been a Long Time!
It's been such a long time since I've written. I apologize for that - I haven't been a very good friend in the last year. Things have been more than a little hectic and as a mother of a toddler, I know that you understand that. Please know that I have missed you and our letters and I hope that we can pick this back up again soon!
More soon (I promise)!
-A Working Wife
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Be Aware, Be Very Aware
I'm sorry for the long absence. My only excuse is every day life. But, I come to you today to discuss a topic that is not every day life for most people, but does affect the every day life of approximately 30,000 Americans. I'm talking about Cystic Fibrosis or CF.
Why am I discussing this now? May is Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month.

What is Cystic Fibrosis? Cystic fibrosis is a life-threatening genetic disease that causes mucus to build up and clog some of the organs in the body, particularly the lungs and pancreas. The build-up in the lungs can cause lung damage, which in turn can lead to a need for a lung transplant. So, that's the professional explanation of it. Plain and simple? CF is a genetic (meaning passed down from parents) disease that affects most of a person's body. A person with CF usually has some kind of breathing problems, including but not limited to Asthma and frequent lung infections, like bronchitis. CF also affects the digestive system due to the extra build-up of mucus preventing digestive enzymes from getting to the intestines. The body needs these enzymes to break down food, which in turn prevent the body from getting the nutrients that a body needs to stay healthy. (This is actually a VERY basic explanation. I will provide links at the end of this post where you will be able to find more information.)
How does a person get CF? Plain and simple? Again, it is a genetic disorder, which means that a person can only get it from their parents. In saying that, the parent does not have to actually have CF themselves to pass it on. A person with ONE CF gene is a carrier and can pass it on. A person with TWO CF genes actually has CF. In order to have CF, a person has to get ONE gene from EACH parent. A parent can only pass on one gene, even if the parent has CF and two genes. So, look at the diagram below:

What are symptoms of CF? The most common symptoms are:
- Very salty-tasting skin
- Persistent coughing, at times with phlegm
- Frequent lung infections, like pneumonia or bronchitis
- Wheezing or shortness of breath
- Poor growth/weight gain in spite of a good appetite
- Frequent greasy, bulky stools or difficulty in bowel movements
- Small, fleshy growths in the nose called nasal polyps
What is the average life expectancy of a person with CF? As of 2008, the average life expectancy rose to 37 years. In 2000, the average age was 32 years. This is due to all of the new research that is being done to find a cure for Cystic Fibrosis!
One little statistic for you: More than 70% of patients are diagnosed by age two.
So, please, help us find a cure for Cystic Fibrosis! You can support a Cure for Cystic Fibrosis by going to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Website.

Monday, December 28, 2009
Wish I'd Read That Challenge
I have found one more challenge that I have decided to participate in. Royal Reviews is hosting Wish I'd Read That Challenge which is challenge for all the books that you wish you had read. I have numerous books that I should have read growing up, but did not. So, I plan to read those for this challenge.
Challenge Guidelines:
1. Anyone can join. You don't need a blog to participate.
2. There are four levels:
--Curious- Read 3 books.
--Fascinated-Read 6 books.
--Addicted- Read 12 books.
--Obsessed- Read 20 books.
3. Any book format counts.
4. You can list your books in advance or just put them in a wrap up post. If you list them, feel free to change them as the mood takes you.
5. Challenge begins January 1st thru December 2010.
I have chosen to only commit to the "Fascinated" level at this time, but hope to level up during the year. I hope you will choose to participate in this challenge with me! If you choose to participate, head HERE to sign up!
Fascinated by this Challenge,
The Stay-at-Home Mom
Romance Reading Challenge
I have found yet another Reading Challenge to participate in! Royal Reviews is hosting a Romance Reading Challenge with four levels of participation!! All sub genres of Romance count.
Challenge Guidelines:
1. Anyone can join. You don't need a blog to participate.
2. There are four levels:
--Curious- Read 3 Romance Fiction novels.
--Fascinated- Read 6 Romance Fiction novels.
--Addicted- Read 12 Romance Fiction novels.
--Obsessed- Read 20 Romance Fiction novels.
3. Any book format counts.
4. You can list your books in advance or just put them in a wrap up post. If you list them, feel free to change them as the mood takes you.
5. Challenge begins January 1st thru December 2010.
I have set my goal at "Obsessed." This is another challenge where all books cross over, so these 20 will also go towards my other challenges!! So, head on over to Royal Reviews and sign up!!
Your Book Crazy Friend,
The Stay-at-Home Mom
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Where is my book?
I've had another book to review for you for over two weeks, but I have lost my book! I began and finished it while Hubby, Son and I were in Huntsville (Story will be on my personal blog by the end of the day, hopefully!). But, after coming home, closing two Pampered Chef parties, beginning a third Pampered Chef party, washing clothes, having two Thanksgivings, a photo session, editing pictures, decorating for Christmas, shopping for presents, and wrapping presents, I have lost the book.....
I have absolutely.....
Where to start looking!!
So, I promise, once I get all the presents wrapped, the decorations up (yep, there is still more to put up), and my living room cleaned, I WILL find the book and post the review for you! It was a really good book though! I guess I'll just have to leave you wondering.......
Wondering where to start,
The Stay-at-Home Mom
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Things I've Learned Thursday
My intentions were to do this post last week. Instead of a "Things I've Learned," I'm making this a "Thankful Thursday" in honor of Thanksgiving last week. So, these are the things that I am thankful for this year:
- My husband. Jud is the love of my life and my very best friend. I am SO extremely thankful for him. I love you, Juddy Buddy.
- My son. Wesley is a happy healthy child and a pure miracle in my life. I love you, my sweet boy.
- My family. I have the best family that I could have ever asked for, immediate and in-laws! I love all of you and am so thankful for every one of you.
- My health and my family's health.
- The love of so many wonderful people.
- All of the wonderful friends that I have, real life and bloggy friends! I love every one of you and am more thankful for you than you know.
- The wonderful life that God has given me. Everything from the way we live to all that He has given me.
- To live in a free country and to the soldiers that fight for our freedom!
I know this is late, but my life has changed so much in just a few short years. I wanted to do a post in honor of Thanksgiving and all I'm thankful for. And, as for the Things I've Learned, to never neglect to tell those that you love and are thankful for that you love them and are thankful for them!
The Stay-at-Home Mom